Farhana on the Beach

While writing my rather dismissive review of Martin Parr’s Beach Therapy, I had the idea to see what sorts of beach-type photographs I had in my archive. Turns out, not too many, really. I don’t live near a (real) beach, and other than the 3 years I spent in Holbrook, NY, I’ve never lived anywhere …

Parting Shots

Up until about a week ago, I had a For Sale page with a bunch of cameras and whatnot on it. It was up for about two years, and in that time I think I sold two things off of it, the Cosina CX-2 and, most recently, my step-dad’s Ricoh 35 ZF. Everything else sat …

Bergger Pancro 400 at 125

I’m awful at remembering to check settings on cameras before I start shooting. I’ve gotten a little bit better over the years, maybe, but I still lose it from time to time. For this year’s summer vacation, I took along some Bergger Pancro 400 in 35mm and 120. I managed to set the Olympus XA …

James and Hana’s Summer Vacation

For our annual late-summer vacation,* my darling, adorable wife and I took a 1000 mile driving tour of central and south Texas. We had a great time, Alhamdulillah. I didn’t shoot much, for once, just 4 full rolls and 2 partials, so rather than whacking this up by day or film stock or city or …

“Creeping Sharia”

Today, I’m thankful for “creeping sharia,” the slow, clandestine spread of Islam throughout this great country. I know that may be frightening to some, but don’t worry: despite it’s spread, Islam and Muslims still form only a tiny fraction of American society (3% or less) and so-called “sharia law” of the type practiced in some …