Farhana on the Beach

While writing my rather dismissive review of Martin Parr’s Beach Therapy, I had the idea to see what sorts of beach-type photographs I had in my archive. Turns out, not too many, really. I don’t live near a (real) beach, and other than the 3 years I spent in Holbrook, NY, I’ve never lived anywhere …

Enter the Kodak Brownie Reflex Synchro

This Kodak Brownie Reflex Synchro came to me in a basket full of Brownies, courtesy of a generous coworker. Actually, this Brownie Reflex Synchro came in two parts, or, rather, it took two Brownie Reflex Synchros from that basket to make one functional one, but it was easy to work on. In fact, I did all …

Ektar, at EI 50, with a broken camera

After the disaster that was my experience with Ektar down in Costa Rica, I decided to try the last roll I had on hand at EI 50. In my tracking spreadsheet, I named this roll “waste the Ektar” as I had 1) forgotten the good experience I had with it last Summer and Fall, and …

6 Days in Costa Rica

I didn’t say anything at the time, but I was in Costa Rica a month or so ago for business (again). It was as beautiful, and the people as friendly, as I remembered. Given that it was a work thing, I didn’t have much time for shooting and only made it through 6 rolls and …

The C.L.A.M. could be anywhere…

When my darling, adorable wife and I returned from vacation, the FM3a still had 5/6th of a roll of film in it. I carried it around for a few days, took a few random shots, and then decided to burn the rest of it playing around with the C.L.A.M. I don’t play with it often, and …

Gossagesque seeing, maybe

I received the Gossage and Cole books about a week before Hana and I left on vacation, and I spent a good part of that trip trying to see like they would see, maybe, though I’m not at all sure I really “get” their way of seeing at all. This is my most successful attempt. …