The 2024 Solar Eclipse on Film…

If you were alive and paying even a tiny bit of attention on April 8, 2024, you probably heard about or saw coverage of the solar eclipse that passed over a small portion of the United States (and elsewhere). By a God-given coincidence, my house was in the path of totality and I work from …

Piergiorgio Casotti & Emanuele Brutti – ‘Index G’

I don’t know how or from where Piergiorgio Casotti & Emanuele Brutti’s Index G came on my radar. Jörg Colberg was my first guess, and if so, I find no mention of Casotti or Brutti or the title on his blog. It wasn’t @swerdnaekalb either, nor was it Charcoal Book Club…. Maybe it was something …

Daniel Reuter – ‘Providencia’

I pulled Daniel Reuter’s Providencia off the to-review shelves largely based on the attractive spine (gold lettering against mottled/variegated grey :chef’s kiss:). I don’t remember the circumstances around acquiring it, and expect I bought it based on Jorg Colberg’s review. I encourage you to read Colberg’s take, as mine is likely to be much more …

Glen Luchford – ‘Roseland’

tl;dr: I regret purchasing Glen Luchford’s Roseland. This feeling is a first for me, I think. The photography would be interesting and potentially of historical interest, but it’s entirely ruined by very poor layout and printing decisions. If you want to continue on, please feel free…. If they come out with a repaired edition—perhaps one …

Stephen Leslie – ‘Mostly False Reports’

I discovered Stephen Leslie thanks to (if I recall) Alec Soth, who praised Leslie’s Show & Tell series on YouTube, and if you’re not familiar with Soth’s or Leslie’s YouTube channels, do yourself a favor. Despite being on a photobook buying hiatus, I leapt into action as soon as he announced the Kickstarter, and despite …

Blake Andrews – ‘Portland Elegy’

As a long, looooong time fan of Blake Andrews—without his excellent blog and book reviews, this blog might not be here—when I stumbled across his “Portland Elegy” zine last year during a rare visit to Instagram, I bought a copy immediately. Good thing too, as it sold out very quickly. Apologies if you’re late to …