The 2024 Solar Eclipse on Film…

If you were alive and paying even a tiny bit of attention on April 8, 2024, you probably heard about or saw coverage of the solar eclipse that passed over a small portion of the United States (and elsewhere). By a God-given coincidence, my house was in the path of totality and I work from …

Morning Light

A couple of years ago, I picked up my beloved Niko 50mm f/1.8 E and found the focus ring unusably stiff. Within seconds, I was on the ‘bay to acquire another, but found prices outrageous. For about $20 more than the average price of a good, tested, guaranteed E-Series, I scored a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 …

A brief visit to Lake Worth

One weekend in late December, 2021, or early January 2022—the days do run together—my darling, adorable wife and I took a drive out to Lake Worth, northwest of Fort Worth, Texas, and took Watercress Drive along the north shore for a bit, with a brief stop at Sunset Park to pick up some kindling (Hana) …

An hour at Beaver Lake

After four+ months of lockdown, I really couldn’t take it any more and drove to Arkansas to visit Mom. I took some cameras and some library books along, and managed to shoot a few rolls (finish a couple and start a couple), and read at least a book a day (I finished 8 in 7 …