Parting Shots

Up until about a week ago, I had a For Sale page with a bunch of cameras and whatnot on it. It was up for about two years, and in that time I think I sold two things off of it, the Cosina CX-2 and, most recently, my step-dad’s Ricoh 35 ZF. Everything else sat …

The After Shahada Project walks Lake Carolyn

Better late than never, InshaAllah. About a year ago, the Islamic Center of Irving hired a new outreach director, and one of his first acts was to start up a class to teach converts and reverts about their religion. We meet every Sunday at 4 upstairs in the old part of the Islamic School of …

At the Arboretum with Compania Imago’s Rollei CN 200

On day two of our excursions during Spring Break, Hana and I went to the Dallas Arboretum to catch the Spring blooms. Once again, the weather was lovely, and we had a nice time walking around and admiring the flowers and trees.

Staycation with Compania Imago’s Rollei CN 200

I had 5 days of rollover vacation that needed to be used before the end of Q1, so I took Spring Break off with Hana, and shot through loads of film. I’m very behind processing any of it, let alone sharing it, so bear with me for a bit. It was good to get away …

Compania Imago film thoughts

I’ve shot through a couple of rolls of Compania Imago films now and I’ve noticed a couple of things that they have in common, despite being films from different manufacturers and different vintages, and the first roll of Rollei CN200 I shot had some strange scratches and gouges that none of the others had.

Rollei Digibase CN-200 (4) – Random Thoughts

I’ll just put it right out there: I like the look I get from the Digibase. It’s not all brilliance, but it’s a good film, with good sharpness, contrast, color, and saturation. Plus, the polyester base means I can ‘scan’ it without needing color correction. It’s a shame that it’s discontinued.