Missed a Spot!

I inherited a shiny little Ricoh 35-ZF some time ago and put a couple of rolls through it back during my photowalk days in 2011 or 2012 (and started another that took me 2+ years to finish). While I liked it well enough, it did have two annoying little issues. First off, the strap lugs made this great clacking sound at the …

Unboxing ‘Edward Weston: Fiftieth Anniversary Portfolio’

‘Edward Weston: Fiftieth Anniversary Portfolio‘ is a beautifully printed reproduction from Michael Smith and Paula Chumlee‘s Lodima Press. A copy of the original, owned by Ansel and Virginia Adams, is in the Weston Archive at the Center for Creative Photography, and Bonham’s auctioned off an original in 2013 for $80,500, so a reproduction, especially one …