Fort Worth Foto Walk b/w I’m no good at street photography

Some weeks back, during the #PolarWalk at the Dallas Zoo, I broke the frame picker arm on the Diana Mini. I was able to fix it, but had some problems getting the winder back on and winding properly,* and so once I got it back together, I shoved a roll in as quickly as possible …

#BIFscale #BestOf x Red Dragon review

Well, #BIFscale17 is officially over, and I, for one, am thankful to be back to straight shooting. That said, I have a bit of a backlog awaiting some processing, and I should collate some of my thoughts on the redscale process, in general, and the Ultrafine Red Dragon 100 in particular, so here we go, …

of #lunchbreak walks and remjet

I miss my #lunchbreak walks. I’m not sure why I gave them up, probably I’m just lazy, but maybe I can pass it off on the weather, maybe it got bad for a bit and kept me indoors and I just got out of the habit. I’ve recently, tentatively, started up again: it’s nice to go …

I guess I’m more of a Fuji guy, I guess

Just before I went off to Arkansas, I shot and developed two rolls—Fuji Superia X-TRA 400 and Kodak Gold 100—of expired film from the FPP LoFi HiDrag box I picked up a month or so ago, and shoved some selects into a folder with the intent of writing up posts and sharing them while on …