A quick walk

Many weeks ago, I bought a grab bag of photo gear from my dad. I did a little unbagging on Twitter, if you’re interested, and in short, wound up with a complete Olympus OM10 kit: OM10, with the manual adapter; 28mm G.Zuiko, 50mm F.Zuiko, 75-150 f/4 Zuiko; Olympus T20 flash, plus cables and brackets and …

Parting Shots

Up until about a week ago, I had a For Sale page with a bunch of cameras and whatnot on it. It was up for about two years, and in that time I think I sold two things off of it, the Cosina CX-2 and, most recently, my step-dad’s Ricoh 35 ZF. Everything else sat …

Vacation, Shmaycation… but at least it was foggy for part of the drive home.

Once the heat of the Texas summer finally broke, I needed a break. I felt a little bit stressed and really rather depressed, and I made plans to drive up to visit Mom in Northwest Arkansas, rest some, sit on the deck and look out at the trees, the valley, the picturesque little farm down …

1970s Ricoh Compacts, part 5 – the Ricoh 500 GX

The Ricoh 500 GX was the last of the Ricoh 500 series to be made in Japan. It’s pretty much a 500 G, with the addition of a multiple exposure switch, battery check button, shutter lock, and little flags that indicate when loaded film and a cocked shutter. In theory, it’s the best of the …