Expensive Snapshots, pt. 1b: Capture One Pro 9 review

So I modified my process for processing images and thought I hit upon some great new secret, but it was just me mis-remembering what I had done. I realized my error and began to rewrite the previous post when I remembered an email announcement I received about the new Capture One Pro 9 update, so I dropped …

Expensive Snapshots, pt. 1a: New Workflow

Snapshots with a 4×5 view camera? Snapshots that require a light meter? a cable release? bulb mode? Probably doesn’t meet the usual definition, but the process I underwent with the two sheets of expired FP4 that my dad loaded into a film holder many years ago (probably before the film expired, which it did in …

11 Bad Pictures from the LC-A

I’ve been a bit quiet here on the blog lately. Apologies. I haven’t been particularly busy, or, rather, I haven’t been busier than normal (which isn’t particularly busy), but I’ve been a bit uninspired on the photography front. I had a couple of rolls in progress since the snafu at the Worldwide Photo Walk, I …