The C.L.A.M. could be anywhere…

When my darling, adorable wife and I returned from vacation, the FM3a still had 5/6th of a roll of film in it. I carried it around for a few days, took a few random shots, and then decided to burn the rest of it playing around with the C.L.A.M. I don’t play with it often, and …

The C.L.A.M. And The Rose

I’ve felt a bit uninspired by my actual photography practice of late. I was ill for a week or so, but it went back farther than that, really, back to early January even. I think it had something to do with diet, maybe, or rest, or exercise, but none of that has changed much. Allahu Alim. …

A New Toy

A couple of weeks ago, I ran across some paintings and photographs by Marilyn Minter. I remember seeing her photographs of Pamela Anderson in Parkett back in 2007, long before I was interested in photography at all, and coming across her work now—particularly ones where there’s a sheet of wet and/or broken glass between the …