365.362 another bad lanscape, this time with Ducks!

Well, at least I got the big camera out today. I hit a sort of tipping point in the unpacking, and it’s (mostly) all downhill from here. I foresee a completed apartment come this time tomorrow, assuming my health holds. I’m sore pretty much all over, and am half afraid that I got some sort …

365.361 a state of utter disarray

Well, I made some progress today—got the last 2 loads of small things out of the old apartment and into the new; set up the entertainment center*; got the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom in (mostly) good shape; and had a 3 hour nap (the cats played Marco Polo from 9pm to 1am, and I got …

365.360 all I really wanna do-oo

Well. Today was Moving day! Yay! I’m worn out—and have been since about 11am, and if not then, then certainly by 1pm—and have really only one thing on my mind, and it’s not whatever Bob Dylan was singing about in whatever song that was… I need rest. And then I need protein, vitamins, and salt. When …

365.359 the solstice sky

Well, in some sense, the world is going to end today… This is likely the last time I’ll take a picture of this particular sky. I’m moving tomorrow! Just across town, but still a different sky. And in the Heracleitian sense, the sky is never the same twice, as the clouds and winds and all the stuff …

365.357 a quick reminder

On the way home today, I remembered that my neighbor promised to bring the key to my apartment back this evening. She’s had it for 2+years, and uses it to look after the cats when I’m away, help herself to snack foods (when she’s not on a health kick), and examine the level of filth …

365.356 work party abstraction

So the annual holiday White Elephant gift exchange happened this afternoon at work, and I had some errands and phone calls to make after work, so I went ahead and shot the 365 with the phone this morning. Ends up, the party got me out of work earlier than expected, the errands took no time, …