Wide Angle Battle, Round 1: The Deck

Mom lives on top of a mountain in northwest Arkansas. It’s beautiful there. In late July, 2021, I took four cameras along—Lomography’s LC-Wide, a Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim, a Konica WaiWai, and the Nikon FM3a with the 17-35mm f/2.8D—and they did battle… I present the contest in the form of a round robin. This …

Coming Soon: the Wide Angle Battle

In preparation for a recent short trip to visit Mom, I thought it might be fun to pit the Konica WaiWai against the Lomo LC-Wide. I then thought it might be a good idea to also add in the Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim, and then remembered my recent purchase of a gently used Nikkor …

The Rejects

Andrew Molitor gave one of my things way more attention than it probably deserves, and I’m flattered beyond any sense of reason or propriety. (And full disclosure, I know Molitor a little bit and am therefore predisposed to pretty much like pretty much anything he does. Anyway.) In his review, he mentions that my Eid …

Sean Kennedy’s “Nature Connects” at the Botanic Gardens

A month or two ago, before we went back into virtual lockdown due to the Covid 19 Delta variant, my darling, adorable wife and I made a visit to the Botanical Research Institute of Texas and the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. I shot two cameras: the Olympus OM10 with a 50mm and +4 macro filter …

Eid al Adha on expired film

Eid al Adha, the celebration of the sacrifice, begins on the 13th of Dhu al-Hijja and lasts for 4 days, and commemorates Abraham’s sacrifice. God willing, it serves as a reminder to be patient, generous, and willing to give of ourselves and our wealth. In 2021, it fell on the 20th of July* and I …