Grapevine Lake & Other Bad Photos

After finding all the overlapping in the last half roll of Lomo Berlin Kino that I shot for Holga Week, I wondered if film thickness was to blame. Berlin Kino is perhaps 2% thicker than normal film and maybe the camera got fooled somehow? I somehow didn’t think to check the first test rolls for …

Mom’s Flowers & Scenes from the Road (Trip)

Well, after four or five—six—weeks of pictures from the trip to Denver with Mom, I’m left with a few packs of Polaroid: a pack of Black & White SX-70 and one of Color SX-70 from Mom’s, and a pack of 600 Color from Mom’s and (mostly) Kansas. Enjoy!

Topeka & Eureka with Mom

Say “Alhamdulillah” (All praise and thanks belong to God) or “Yay!” we’re almost to the end of my Denver trip pictures… All that’s left is a few packs of Polaroid that I’ll share over one or two weeks, and I should be into new (or at least different) work before the end of 2021. Woo! …

Denver & Topeka on Pro 400H with a competent camera…

So far, I’ve shared images from my Denver trip made with two Holgas (the 135BC and the 120N), the FPP Debonair, and the OM10. Due to operator error, the roll from the 135BC and one roll from the OM10 were largely unusable, though I did get some decent results from the small-format, 35mm OM10. I …

The Flatiron Hike

I hope you’re not tiring of my Denver trip pictures… If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I took a trip to visit Mom in Arkansas, and she and I drove to Denver to visit Aunt Patty. I spent most of Holga Week 2021 in the Mile High, then had a layover in Topeka, …

Holga Week: 120N vs. Debonair Edition

Many months ago, Mr. Holga reminded me of Holga Week over on Instagram, I think.* Almost immediately, I determined to waste use the 5-pack of Fuji’s discontinued and now wildly expensive Pro400H that spent the past 5 years chilling in the fridge on a shoot-out between the Holga 120N, with it’s 645 mask, and the …