Our last morning in Denver, on the way out of town, Mom and I stopped by Aunt Patty’s and went for a walk around Berkeley Lake and her neighborhood before heading off to Topeka.

And, yes, my (so far) endless Denver coverage continues… Apologies, perhaps, and enjoy!

This was my second time to walk the park, and for some unknown reason I didn’t photograph my dear aunt or my darling mother. Shame on me.

After a lap around the park and a walk down an alley, it was time to give our hugs, say our goodbyes and get on the road.

Still upcoming: pictures from the Yashica-Mat in Denver and Topeka, pictures of Mom in Topeka and Eureka Springs, and Polaroids from the trip and after, so I hope you don’t mind seeing a tourist’s bad photographs from a road trip for another month or so…

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