Ash Sharh 5-6

For truly, after hardship comes ease, Truly, after hardship comes ease. Ash Sharh, 5-6 When things get difficult, remember that God only tests those whom He loves, and say “Alhamdulillah!” (All praise and thanks to God!). And after that, when you experience a period of ease, say “Astaghfirullah” Forgive me God!), for ease is in …

walking & driving

Inspired/Reminded by a couple of recent ‘Walkscapes’ Ben Lowy posted to his Instagram, I opened up [unnamed app*] again today and had a bit of fun. There’s a bit of Jason Salavon in this, and in the whole process, so there’s some art-historical cred to it, I suppose, and there are some possibilities to tell some interesting …