365.322 the iPhone succeeded where I failed

Note to self: don’t attempt unfinished ideas after working a 10 hour shift unless you already have a safety shot, or are not under pressure to produce a picture. I had an idea for the faucet challenge and spent my prime after-work shooting time setting up and failing (miserably, I might add) to capture the …

365.321 a strange commute

Feeling uninspired after a 9.5 hour shift of staring at computer screens and clicking mouse/keyboard buttons, I stared blankly around the apartment until my eyes fell on the spray bottle I used to train the cats when they were younger. I continued to stare blankly until my eyes fell on a small reflector I made …

365.320 learn something every day

And I learned quite a bit today! I learned… that the de facto project manager at work left out a rather massive part of the project my team (and others) have been working on for the past 6 weeks, and that’s due in one month, which means that I’ll (and probably only me) need to …

365.319 lazy Sunday

After a full morning of writing and cooking, and a half-afternoon of checking out apartments on the interwebs, I was feeling a right bit lazy, photographically speaking, and since I haven’t tossed off a macro abstraction lately, this seemed as good a time as any, so here it is. Woo. D7000. Vivitar 50mm f/1.8, reversed, …

355.317 Serenity NOW (2)

I really shouldn’t nap after work. 9 times out of 10, I wake up feeling great, but the first person I come into contact with raises an aggravation that persists for the rest of the day. This usually doesn’t matter a whole lot, as I so rarely see any three-dimensional humans after work anyway, much …

365.316 Serenity Now!!!

Earlier today, I remembered that I didn’t submit anything for last week’s Weekly Photographic Challenge (theme: Chaos), so I checked out the profile and found out this week’s theme: Serenity. My first thought, any time I see the word ‘serenity:’ SERENITY NOW! I went and watched the Seinfeld episode in which Serenity Now appears, only …