365.361 a state of utter disarray

Well, I made some progress today—got the last 2 loads of small things out of the old apartment and into the new; set up the entertainment center*; got the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom in (mostly) good shape; and had a 3 hour nap (the cats played Marco Polo from 9pm to 1am, and I got …

365.360 all I really wanna do-oo

Well. Today was Moving day! Yay! I’m worn out—and have been since about 11am, and if not then, then certainly by 1pm—and have really only one thing on my mind, and it’s not whatever Bob Dylan was singing about in whatever song that was… I need rest. And then I need protein, vitamins, and salt. When …

365.140 Ivan (homage Daido Moriyama)

I shot through a second test of the BlackKeys 44 camera on the Hipstamatic Disposable series app today, and had no intention of using one of those for the 365. In fact, I shot a nice picture with the 645 Pro app that captured my agoraphobia in a beautiful and suggestive manner, and which I …