365.34 Fully Automatic, Fully Adjusted

This began as three jpegs, shot in full auto -2–0–+2 bracketed, merged to HDR in Photoshop CS5.5 and shipped out with some custom slider settings, sent to Aperture, edited with Topaz Labs Adjust 3 and B/W Effects 5, and presented here for your enjoyment. Apologies, but I had some prior obligations and thus didn’t really …

365.33 Abstraktes Bild

And this time I had some fun! Yesterday, I shot four subjects for 5 hours and ended up just picking a bad picture to share at random. Today, I reshot one of those subjects with an intent to create an HDR image of an object that really didn’t need one. This is the interior of …

365.32 Unmade Landscape

I’m wholly dissatisfied with today’s 365 efforts, but I’ve been at it for 5 hours, and it’s now time to join some neighbors for tea, so here’s my favorite of the 80 awful, uninspired, completely blah photos I shot of 4 different subjects. Needless to say, I find this one rather meh. Sigma 30mm 1.4, …

365.30 Afternoon (De)Light #2

or, “I should really think about cleaning my windows…” The the afternoon light bounces around in fabulous ways here at the Grigsby. The shaft of light is a reflection of the sun, bouncing off of a decorative glass railing on the second floor landing across from the courtyard. Since I started shooting, I’ve become much …