The October #DeltaDefJam: 3200 at 1000 at 3200

For the October installment of the #DeltaDefJam, I shot another roll of Delta 3200. This time, instead of pushing it to 6400, I exposed it at EI 1000 and developed it normally, partly hoping for smoother grain, mostly on the recommendation of @Adi W: Delta 3200 at 1000, dev back at 3200 or even 6400 …

Kodak Plus-X 125

Kodak Plus-X 125 was a fine grained, sharp, black & white that Kodak discontinued back in 2011. It was the last of the low speed, traditional grain black & white Kodak stocks. If you want slow, black & white Kodak film now, T-Max is all you get (or you can go with some hand-rolled expired …

So… Dallas has a Confederate monument.

Why am I surprised? I mean, I guess I’m not, really, but if I remember my history correctly, absolutely no Civil War activity happened in or around Dallas. Sure, there were naval blockades down south, and some skirmishes along the Mexico border and over around Louisiana, but nothing in this part of Texas. So why …

WorldWide Photo Walk 2017

Has it really been 2 years since I attended the WorldWide Photo Walk? I guess so… I’m not sure where I was or what I was doing last year, but I probably had something better to do, but from various blog posts around that time, I don’t see anything. Maybe I just missed it, or …

Delta Def Jam: at work with 3200, at 6400

With September came the Delta Def Jam… like the FP4Party, TMAX Party, and Neopantastic! before it, it’s a community celebration of all things Ilford Delta. I’m not a big fan of Ilford Delta 100 or 400 (I vastly prefer FP4 and HP5+), so I decided to go with 3200, I started strong, but didn’t finish …