Cognitive Dissonance in the Mountains with the Yashica

The last week of October found me in Arkansas (and Oklahoma) for a brief visit with Mom, some photography, and some introspection. I’ve been slow in getting the film processed, so look forward to more photographs from this trip in coming weeks. For now, it’s all about Cinestill films in the Yashica Mat-124, a party, …

7/52-36 Eureka! Honeymoon!

I spent most of the last week in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, with my beloved wife (!?!?!?) Farhana Ali, on our honeymoon, enjoying our first week together. I can’t begin to express my wonder, gratitude, amazement, joy, excitement, and so much more at 1) being married; 2) being married to such a fabulous woman; and 3) …

7/52-38 Busy, Moving

So a month ago, I was in Costa Rica, training new team members. Three weeks ago, I got married. Two weeks ago, I was just back from Honeymoon. Last week, I was just gobsmacked about being married (again: Alhamdulillah! SubhanAllah! Allahu Akbar!). This week—still gobsmacked—Hana and I finished packing my apartment; I was slammed at …