Oh, how I wish I’d thought about using a filter…
Honestly, the scenes in this roll didn’t really beg for it quite like scenes in the park, but still. It would’ve come in handy.
If you missed it in the last post, this roll was developed in Ilfotec HC 1:31 for 6.5 minutes, with a pre-soak and 8 minutes of fix.
Shooting for this roll was very random.

I shot the same rainstorm that started the half-frame roll in the LC-W, and the same other rainstorm that helped finish the roll in the LC-W, though if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t know.
I took a blurry selfy.

I shot a random parking lot.

I shot some Magnolia blossoms while trespassing in a neighbor’s yard.
And I finished off the roll in on the decaying Mother’s Day flowers in the front room.

The close focus abilities of the 35mm f/2 D are incredible.
So. After 2 rolls of Derev Pan 100, what are my thoughts?
Well, the grain is pleasantly soft, but keep a filter handy. It’s easy to develop, but the mylar base is super thin, which makes it a bit hard to slip into sleeves. Other than that, my mind’s a bit blank just now.
You can find Derev Pan 100 (and 200 and 400 flavors too; I have two rolls of each, so look forward to some, hopefully more coherent, thoughts someday) at the FPP. Their testers got sharper results and better contrast than I did. My scans are as sharp as I can make them, but I made minimal adjustments in Capture One. With a bit more care (and time) maybe I could make them sing too.
Alas, those were my only two rolls of Derev Pan 100. Time will tell if I pick up some more.