7/52-05 Zomb-E Week

It was a fairly grey and gloomy week here in North TX. Several grey days, a couple of rainy days, and a general sort of mental/emotional/physical malaise descended around me early on, and hasn’t really let up. I expect the personal stuff is diet-related, as I’ve cut out out the sugar-and-junk-food binging I’d been enjoying …

7/52-02 the Castillian’s Flora

I intended to shoot the fora and fauna around the new apartment (the Castillian is the name of these apartments), but managed to be outside without a suitable camera (read: not a phone) all three times that I saw the opossum, and the numerous times I saw squirrels, birds, and various other critters. So it’s just …

365.331 Icarus

I’m tired today, and didn’t really want to shoot: work this morning, apartment hunting on the interwebs this afternoon, and quite a bit of random thoughts rushing through my head. So I’ll keep this short. This looks excruciatingly digital to me, and I want to find some way of warming up my pictures without making …

355.317 Serenity NOW (2)

I really shouldn’t nap after work. 9 times out of 10, I wake up feeling great, but the first person I come into contact with raises an aggravation that persists for the rest of the day. This usually doesn’t matter a whole lot, as I so rarely see any three-dimensional humans after work anyway, much …