365.247 tilt-a…

So the North Texas Photography Explorers MeetUp Group and the Dallas Photography MeetUp Group met up for a joint MeetUp tonight to shoot streaking taillights, ’cause everybody needs a streaky taillight shot, right? Right?!? Right?!?!?!?!? Indeed. So this is the most disorienting one I made. I wish I’d taken the 10-24. But last weekend at the …

365.246 dream of flight

So I shot a bit on the way home today. I didn’t get anything good, except for this shot, which isn’t particularly brilliant or anything, but appeared to have some possibilities, so I started playing around. If you look closely, there’s a strange sort of border or frame around this. This comes courtesy of a …

365.244 what the!?!

Another day, another attempt at capturing the cats at play, another day they refuse to cooperate. Jerks. So I took the camera to them. Ivan is not perfectly in focus here. I have great difficulty estimating distances, and would normally have just used f/8 or f/16 and not bothered, but I wanted to blur the …

365.243 random still from an early Brothers Quay film

This is definitely a case of going backwards. I’m not even really sure how I captured this. This was the first of a series of shots I made of a clothes pin after the cats refused to cooperate with my carefully arranged flash and camera set up, carefully placed to unobtrusively capture them attempting to …