unboxing Printed Web 4

Printed Web 4: Public, Private, Secret appeared alongside the Charlotte Cotton/ICP exhibition of the same name, as well as Mossless 4: Public, Private, Portrait. I wasn’t at all aware of the Printed Web project, which sounds quite interesting and I would’ve spent more time with it, but the website is an absolute pain to navigate (likely …

Unboxing ‘Patpong: Bangkok’s Twilight Zone’

Nick Nostitz’s Patpong: Bangkok’s Twilight Zone (London: Westzone, 2000) is not for the squeamish. The photography catalogues the nightlife of Bangkok’s Patpong district during the mid and late 1990s. I heard stories about Bangkok back then: a wild place where you could get and do just about anything, and where you could also wind up in …

Unboxing Mossless #3 & #4

“MOSSLESS is run by Romke Hoogwaerts and Grace Leigh out of their apartment in Brooklyn, New York. Their publications focus on photographers who are actively contributing to online culture.” I follow their tumblr and it alerted me to their Kickstarter for Issue 4. I picked up Issue 3 The United States (2003-2013) and Issue 4 Public/Private/Portrait for a relative song, …

Unboxing ToP’s Four Photobook Book Sale

Back in early June, The Online Photographer, in conjunction with the Nelson Atkins Museum, ran another book sale. If you recall, a couple of months ago, I picked up a bit omnibus history-of-photography style book from a similar sale, so when this one went down, I jumped on it… Forewarned is forearmed, the video is …

Unboxing Hoxton Mini Press’s extra mini series

These three, cute little books came from a Kickstarter the folks at Hoxton ran a couple of months ago. The goal of the project is to support the hundreds of projects by great photographers that don’t make it into book form because the subject is not considered serious enough, or the photographer doesn’t have the funds, …