Enter the Minuta Stereo (preproduction model)

It was an early, sleepy Monday morning, the first of February, 2021, and the year was off to a frustrating start, when I opened my email to find a note from Dominick Oczkowski, creator of the Minuta Stereo camera. I knew something of Oczkowski already, thanks to a podcast or something I saw on Twitter …

Mark Steinmetz – ‘Summer Camp’

I never went to Summer Camp. Boy Scout camping weekends and that one Jamboree, a couple of weekends with various church groups (one at a summer camp that was closed, because it wasn’t the summer, and so it was only the two vans from the church) and a family trip to (another closed) vacation camp …

Liam Wong – ‘TO:KY:OO’

TO:KY:OO is something unique in my photo library. I’m not sure where I came across his work. It was probably recommended by someone or something. I don’t really remember. Long term readers will know that I’m mostly a film photographer, for the past 6 years or so, anyway, and that I never did a huge …

Shinya Fujiwara – ‘American Roulette’

After several decades photographing the Middle and Near East, India, and Tibet, and making some influential and popular photobooks (in Japan), Shinya Fujiwara went to the United States, where he spent seven months puttering around in an RV photographing, well, nearly everything that caught his fancy. There’s the desert, long stretches of empty dirt or …

Inge Morath – The Road to Reno

In 1960, Arthur Miller, at the urging of producer Frank Taylor, contracted with Magnum to make some publicity shots during the filming of The Misfits. Inge Morath was one of the nine photographers invited, and she took the opportunity to take a long road trip with her colleague Henri Cartier Bresson and her typewriter. The …

Emmet Gowin – ‘Mariposas Nocturnas’

Mariposas Nocturnas: moths of Central and South America: a study in beauty and diversity was Charcoal Book Club’s photobook of the month for April, 2019. Once again—and it’s done it many times before and since, and hopefully for many months to come—Charcoal sent me something I wouldn’t have acquired on my own, and am happy …