Thirty Six, during and after the rain

Alhamdulillah, April showers have been plentiful this year. And Thirty Six performed admirably with my “Another Day” film stock. Actually, I think a couple of shots (the square ones) were probably shot with the built-in 400 WC 120 roll. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this app is fun. It forces you …

Thirty Six gone for a walk

One of the luxuries of getting off work early is being able to take walks with my darling, adorable wife in the mid afternoon. There’s a new housing development going in across the street where we usually go to walk. I’ve shared some pictures from there before, including one of Hana descending a staircase. Well, …

Hipstamatic DSPO Review: final thoughts

Like every other app (and think and person), DSPO has it’s good points and bad points. Some of the filters are pleasant-to-good, the little dancing figures in the moods are fun, and I think it might be interesting to shoot a camera with Orange Hair or Shultzie or K.I. or one of my other old, …

Hipstamatic DSPO Review: Video Flipbooks!

DSPO lets you view, save, and share a video flipbook from your camera. Fun! They might be nicer taken into Cinamatic and tortured a bit, but the DSPO leader and trailer detract from it a bit in my mind. A dozen pictures in 7 seconds… 60+ pictures in 14 seconds… I wonder what it will …