I probably should’ve reviewed Jacob Haupt‘s fun and hilarious Did I Scare You? closer to Halloween, ideally just before, but since I don’t celebrate Halloween—excepting the November 1 candy sales—it didn’t dawn on me until it was too late.

So, better late than never, I guess… Boo.

Like Gloom, reviewed here some time ago, Did I Scare You features Haupt’s homemade costumes and garishly flashlit scenes, this time focusing on scary monsters made of papier-mâché, cookie dough, play dough, prosciutto, and other various and sundry foods, household goods, and home improvement or fabric store materials. Many pictures feature what I assume are Haupt’s children and family, and it looks like they’re all having a ball, and when I laugh out loud at these ghosts, there’s no chance of it being inappropriate.

Frankly, I expect Haupt plays for some laughs, and his work, while something I’d probably never undertake myself—my family don’t much act or play pretend, and I’m boring as anything—is super fun and I’m quite the fan.

Unrated, recommended.

Honestly, there’s not much more to say about this great little book. At time of writing, copies remain available from Actual Source and given that we’re just past Halloween, Haupt shared a load of photos from the series on his Insta. He doesn’t seem to have a website, which is a shame, but he is active on the ‘gram, so give him a follow there. He seems to often have something funny going, and I look forward to coming across his pictures when the algorithm allows.

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