On the way home from AR, I loaded a roll of Tri-X, just to see how it would look pushed to 1600 and developed in Ilfotec HC 1:31 (16.5 minutes).
Turns out, it looks ok, as expected.
Not much to say. I drove home, mostly shooting from the car, but stopping a time or two for gas, snacks, whatnot.

I took a longer pause at Sardis Lake (Oklahoma), and a couple of state parks on its shores.

And then it was pretty much straight home, where I sat around in a funk for awhile, and then blew the rest of the roll in an afternoon: first on a walk around a nice little park I found in Hurst, right near some apartments where I lived for a year back in the late 1990s but never knew anything about.

(That last one reminds me, intentionally, of Duchamp’s Étant donnés: 1° la chute d’eau / 2° le gaz d’éclairage, sorta.)
Then on the drive home and just before I put the car away for the day.

Good times, though I think I prefer HP5… Maybe the Tri-X needed another half-minute of development, or maybe stand for 90 or 120 minutes (like all the recommendations I read recommended…). I don’t know. I may try again: I have another roll of Tri-X around, just waiting to be shot.