Jamie Livingston Twin Towers Polaroids is a sort of companion book/zine to Some Photos of That Day, featuring 22 Polaroids that Hugh Crawford culled from Livingston’s mammoth, 18 year Polaroid-a-Day project, each with some view of, on, or from the Twin Towers. 

As a subset of the larger project, Twin Towers is far easier to peruse and digest. The reproductions are much larger, actual size even, and the book is small enough to be easily held in the hand and flipped through.

As an historical document, it likely means much more to people who lived in SoHo or TriBeCa or one of the other nearby neighborhoods during the Towers’ lifespan, but it’s nostalgic and fascinating and humbling even for a native Texan whose only real memory of the Twin Towers was watching Matt and Katie aghast and wondering what was going on that morning on the Today Show in 2001.

It’s a great little book.


Overall, I give it a solid 4 stars.

You can get a copy of Jamie Livingston Twin Towers Polaroids direct from Hugh Crawford, and it’s worth supporting his project and all the work he’s done on the Livingston Polaroid Archive. If you have any nostalgia for the Twin Towers or Lower Manhattan in the 1980s and 1990s, it’s worth it, as is Some Photos of That Day, which is on sale at time of writing.

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