Petzval, part 1: unboxing

We interrupt our usually-scheduled programming to bring you a special event… Petzval Week episode one: the unboxing in which the author unboxes his new Lomography X Zenit Petzval 85mm f/2.2, serial number 131. Note: this will not be a review, really, nor will I get into the history of the Petzval lens or Lomography Corp.’s stunning Kickstarter …

365.156 QQ @ 31

Yes, it’s another iPhone photo, taken while researching corporate locations at work via Gmaps. I spend quite a bit of time on Gmaps and the GSV (street view) every day, trying to track down known locations for various corporations. (Yes, my job is wildly exciting like that…) Whenever I see something neat, I snap 1-10 …